主 題:社群媒體與數位經濟
(084) How Fears of Missing Out Impact on Work-Related Social Media Sites Usage and Job
Performance during the COVID-19 Pandemic Time? Perspectives of Self-Determination
and Job Demands-Resources
作 者:Teerachot Rattanahatakarn/Institute of International Management, National Cheng Kung University
(038) The Influence of External Stakeholders in Corporate Environmental, Social and
Governance (ESG) Disclosure: A Systematic Literature Review
作 者:Wai Khuen Wong/Multimedia University
Boon Heng Teh/Multimedia University
(050) How COVID-19 (Temporarily?) Changed the Drivers of Customer Satisfaction about
Restaurants. A Survey of Young Adults in Taiwan and Indonesia
作 者:Marco Fabio Benaglia/National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
Mei H.C. Ho/National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
Tsai-Yin Tsai/National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
(080) Download Intentions and Defensive Behavior in the Context of Digital Tracing App
During COVID Pandemic Time: Evidence from Indonesia
作 者:Trisna Widyaningtyas/Institute of International Management, National Cheng Kung University
(103) The Sharing Economy's Impact on Truck Utilization: A System Dynamics Model Analysis
of TSE Policy Implementation
作 者:Batara Parada Siahaan/Bandung Institute of Technology
Togar Mangihut Simatupang/Bandung Institute of Technology
Liane Okdinawati/Bandung Institute of Technology