
1. 凡參與研討會之作者、共同作者及與會人員皆須繳交註冊費。
2. 第一波已經收到結果通知的作者請於2022年8月10日前繳交註冊費3,000元/人
3. 第二波徵稿將於2022年8月26日公布結果,請參與者於2022年9月5日前繳交註冊費3,000元/人
4. 註冊費收據可於繳費系統註明欲開立之抬頭及統編。
5. 如眷屬欲參加City Tour將收費2,000元/人(成人/兒童費用皆相同)。 

1. Each attendee must pay the registration fee, including co-authors.
2. For authors who received the acceptance notification on the first submission, please pay the registration fee USD100(NTD 3,000)/person before August 10th, 2022
3. The second acceptance notification date will be on August 26th, 2022, please pay the registration fee USD100(NTD 3,000)/person before September 5th, 2022.
4. The name of the receipt of the registration fee can be indicated in the payment system.

5. If the family members want to participate in the city tour, the fee will be USD67(NTD 2,000)/person (adults and children are the same).
